Welcome to Arimatsu!
Arimatsu village was founded by an Owari feudal clan?fs official decree issued in 1608(Keichou era 13th) and was located between Chiryu-Shuku(Chiryu-Post town) and Narumi-Shuku ?iNarumi-Post town?jon the Old Tokai-Do Highway.
Arimatsu Tie-dyeing has been famous and popular since the Edo Period. As Arimatsu village thrived, many well-respected merchant families became established here. Today, you can enjoy looking at those wealthy merchants?f houses which still exist along the Old Tokai-Do Road. A gorgeous Dashi- Matsuri (Floats Festival) is also still held every year in what remains of the old town.
The Arimatsu Tie-Dyeing Festival is held in June every year in Arimatsu along the old Tokai-Do and hosts a large number of people.
Many historic sites and the old battle-field of The Battle of Okehazama which changed Japan are located in this same area.
We invite everybody, to please come and see!
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