


   以  上

            慶長拾三年 申二月十八日     寺西藤左衛門手判  原田 右衛門手判                                       おけはざまにて


The birth of Arimatsu town

Arimatsu Village was established as a teahouse village by the Owari feudal clan in 1608(Keichou era 13th). After The battle of Sekigahara in 1600(Keichou era 5th ), Japan was under the control of Tokugawa with The Shougunate located in Edo. It was now necessary for a Transport Development system to be created connecting the rest of the country to Edo, so The Tenma Seido (Postal-horse system) was newly introduced. The Tokai-Do Highway was designed with 53 postal stations, including Chiryu Postal town and Narumi Postal town.
The Owari feudal clan endeavored to establish this system of postal towns and renovate the highway. To the east of Narumi Postal town there were no settlements. It was extremely isolated with rolling hills covered in pine forests and infested with bandits who attacked travelers time to time. Therefore, the Owari feudal clan saw the need to establish a village in this area and encouraged individuals, through incentives, to settle this area in 1608(Keicho 13th). A proclamation to this effect was given to all Chita-Gun District villagers and a copy of this can still be found in Arimatsu town. The proclamation states that the Owari feudal clan encourages people to settle in Okehazama shinnmachi(Okehazama new village) and that they will be given various benefits and exemptions for doing this. Following this administrative order, it is said that eight families by the names of Chougoro, Kuzaemon, Kyubei, Kanji, Yahichi, Shokuro, Sinnsuke and Jirosaku moved from Agui, Chita Gun (Chita Distric) to this area.
Then the new village of Arimatsu was born as a branch of Okehazama village.
It should be noted that there were two origins names for Arimatsu , one comes from the meaning “where pines are overgrown”, the other is that the pronunciation of Aramachi(new town) changed to Arimatsu.



The birth of the Tie-Dyeing industry

The beginnings of the Tie-Dyeing industry in Arimatsu can be traced to a man name Shoukurou who was one of the eight original settlers from Agui, Chita-gun District
When Nagoya Castle was being constructed in 1610(Keicho era 15th),
a feudal lords from the Bingo region of Kyuushu brought many construction worker to assist with the castle’s construction. Shoukurou noticed some of these workers had hand towels made with tie-dye designs. Attracted to the uniqueness of tie-dyeing, he learned many tie-dying techniques.
Shoukurou started to make his own tie-dyed products at Arimatsu village, located in the northern outskirts of Okehazama village. Since the village was surrounded by hills covered in thick pine forests, the settlers there had little farmland and were having a hard time making a living by relying only on agriculture. They were therefore forced to look for additional means to improve their livelihoods.
The first tie-dye products made in Arimatsu are said to have been Kumosibori(spider tie-dyeing)which makes a pattern in shape of a spider web. This was the origin of Arimatsu tie-dyeing. The way to make Kumosibori is as follows: 1st step; bundle the cloth by evenly pleating in portions of the fabric. Then continue bundling the rest of the fabric in the same manner 2nd step; the cloth is repeatedly put into indigo dye 3rd step; allow the cloth to dry 4th ; unfasten all of the bundles in the cloth
At first, those were created as hand towels and many were sold to travelers by display four or five pieces on a bamboo pole outdoors.
In 1641(Kanei era 18th ), Mitsutomo Tokugawa (appointed the Heir as 2nd feudal lord of Owari Province) came to the province for first time and passed through Arimatsu village. Arimatsu villagers presented Tokugawa with celebratory goods, reins made of tie-dying, as tribute. In this way, Arimatsu tie-dying became known to the world. From this time, hand towels and tie-dyed reins were extensively produced and sold. Gradually the foundation for the fame Arimatsu tie-dying enjoyed in later years was being laid. Later on, a lot of new tie-dying technology was invented, such as Miura (the name of a family), Daimyo (a feudal lord), Mokume (wood grain), Kumodan (spider stage), Arimatsu tie-dyeing was increasingly developed.
















































The birth of the cityscape

The village had prospered by tie-dyeing, but in 1784 (Tenmei Era 4th ) a catastrophic fire rapidly destroyed most of the houses which were constructed with thatched roofs. All of the valuable documents and important materials such as tie-dyeing relics, ancient documents, old style workshops, and warehouses were lost.
Originally, the tie-dye manufacturing system in Arimatsu village had been progressing from individual handicrafts to a factory style handicraft production system. It was a fairly progressive manufacturing system, so the Owari feudal clan government took action to limit the number of wholesalers, a maximum of twenty only, and put almost unlimited commercial privileges into place to help the village. As a result, in the early days of 1800 (Kyouwa Era) the village successfully recovered and further developed to a level selling excellent, superior silk products above par with Genroku Era’s.
During recovery from the catastrophic fire, the construction standard for houses was strictly controlled. It included having a tiled roof, Nurigome (thick mud-plastered side walls) and Udatsu (a firewall on the roof) for prevention of fire.
Thus, the row of houses in Arimatsu village had created streets that were comparable to Edo Machiya (a type of residence or store or the row of houses in the central part of a town) and helped to create greater prosperity.
Many of Machiya on the streets still exist and help to create the unique and beautiful townscape of Arimatsu.
*Note; The original meaning of Udatsu was a firewall built on the roof of a house. A house owner with a pair of Udatsu was generally considered to be rich and successful. From this mean, the saying developed: To say “I put up a Udatsu” means “I have become rich and successful”

